We have released DeepChem 2.7, which adds multi-GPU support, new models, and improved materials science and bioinformatics support. We also cover some interesting updates from around the web, including more discussion of Mochizuki’s purported proof of the ABC conjecture and progress towards Landau-Siegel
DeepChem 2.7 Release
We have released DeepChem 2.7 which adds multi-GPU training support, implements the DMPNN and MegNet models, improves support for bioinformatics tasks, and adds several new tutorials. This release also features improved hyperparameter tuning support, and ports several layers to PyTorch from Keras. This latest version is out on pip and can be installed via the command ‘pip install deepchem’ from your terminal.
The 2.7 release features work by several new developers supported by Google Summer of code. Development of DeepChem is led by the Deep Forest Sciences team.
Progress Towards Landau-Siegel?
Yitang Zhang, famed for proving that there are infinitely many primes within a finite gap of one another, has now announced a new result making partial progress towards the Landau-Siegel conjecture. The proof is still being verified, and Terry Tao has raised some comments on potential issues in the paper. It may be a few months until we know the status of the conjecture.
More Discussion around the ABC-Conjecture
There was an interesting discussion on math overflow about Kirti Joshi’s papers claiming to rework Mochizuki’s claimed proof of the ABC conjecture into more standard mathematical language, where prominent mathematicians expressed skepticism about Joshi’s strategy. Joshi responded to the discussion on this blog post. Joshi’s main paper has yet to be released with the core proof, so the jury is still out on whether his new strategy will hold water.
Interesting Links and from Around the Web
There is a dangerous idea starting to rise in national security circles that the US needs to limit Chinese students studying in the US (I am not linking the article in question since I don’t want to send traffic its way.) I strongly disagree with this line of zero-sum thinking. The US is strong because of its openness; becoming a mirror of the CCP’s ethnonationalism weakens and limits the US. We need to welcome Chinese students, and offer visas and an escape from the growing tyranny of the CCP. Drawing China’s best talent to the US strengthens us and weakens the CCP. 40hz sensory stimulation shows early promise as a potential Alzheimer’s therapeutic.
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Deep Into the Forest is a newsletter by Deep Forest Sciences, Inc. We’re a deep tech R&D company building Chiron, an AI-powered scientific discovery engine. Deep Forest Sciences leads the development of the open source DeepChem ecosystem. Partner with us to apply our foundational AI technologies to hard real-world problems. Get in touch with us at!
Author: Bharath Ramsundar, Ph.D.
Editor: Sandya Subramanian, Ph.D.