Today’s newsletter does a review of some interesting recent news items. We start with basic science, move to commentary on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and end with a few words about Biden and Trump.
How Can Pain Be Measured Under Anesthesia?
Pain is typically measured by asking patients to provide an assessment of their pain levels from 1-10. However, this method is only even possible for conscious patients; how can we measure the pain levels of patients under anesthesia? (Contrary to popular belief, the human body can still recognize and respond to painful stimuli when unconscious; this is precisely why we need anesthesiologists! The physiologically accurate term is nociception, since pain is only defined for conscious patients). Our editor has been studying this question under the supervision of Dr. Emery Brown for the last five years and this week has successfully defended her thesis!
Advances in Black Hole Science
The black hole area theorem, formulated by Steven Hawking, states that the area of a black hole cannot decrease. The theorem found its first experimental evidence recently thanks to gravitational wave observations of black hole mergers (source). Gravitational science has advanced rapidly over the last few years as gravitational wave measurements have become more commonplace.
The Genomic Age of Drug Discovery
Slowly but surely, genomic methods are proving an increasingly powerful tool for drug discovery. Researchers are now searching for genetic variants that put patients at greater risk for severe Covid (source). The results of such analysis could help researchers design the next-generation of Covid treatments.
An Academic Decoupling Between the US and PRC?
A thought-provoking Twitter thread (see below) argues that an academic decoupling between the US and the PRC could be coming. Such a decoupling could happen if Beijing decides that overseas study for its students is problematic and moves to clamp down on study abroad. Many American universities currently rely on foreign students paying full-rate tuition to subsidize their operations. Universities are already under stress from Covid and the mega-trend of online education; Beijing pulling out students could tip more universities towards failure.
Improving Market Competitiveness
The Biden administration is taking steps to increase competitiveness in American markets. Notably, Biden is pushing regulatory changes that could increase the competition in American freight and shipping (source).
Evil Never Sleeps
Donald Trump is busy plotting his comeback. Trump retains a powerful and dangerous hold over the Republican party. If he manages to claw his way back to power American democracy will face an existential threat. Biden’s choice to focus on the infrastructure bill over the voting rights act could prove to be a dangerous mistake. That said, Biden has proven adept at understanding the American voting public before, so it’s too early to count Biden out.
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Deep Into the Forest is a newsletter by Deep Forest Sciences, Inc. We’re a deep tech R&D company specializing in the use of AI for deep tech development. We do technical consulting and joint development partnerships with deep tech firms. Get in touch with us at! We’re always welcome to new ideas!
Author: Bharath Ramsundar, Ph.D.
Editor: Sandya Subramanian, (Ph.D.)